awkward-conversationIf you are new to the HSV club, have recently been diagnosed with genital herpes, it can be beyond daunting even to entertain the thought of disclosing that condition to any other human being face to face.

Just.    So.    Awkward.

Why would anyone do that nowadays when there is a perfect solution:

Anyone who says it’s “no big deal” is probably well-intentioned and hoping to relieve the stress associated with being honest and ethical about one’s HSV positive status, because it IS A BIG DEAL. Who wants to have that conversation?! Who wants to risk the horror and rejection? Most HSV-negative people would just as soon NOT contract the virus and the easiest way to avoid it is to avoid contact with infected partners.
So… do people with genital herpes really need to endure the agony of disclosure with someone they are on a coffee date with? Is it even proper to wait several dates before disclosing when chances are that the prospective partner is going to decide not to pursue a physical relationship and could rightly consider his or her time wasted?


If you are HSV-positive, don’t stress out about your condition for one more second! Click here and get connected to tons of awesome NYC singles just like yourself who are in exactly the same situation.
