nyc-dating-site-for-herpes-singlesThere are people searching online for a herpes / HSV dating site exclusively for NYC, thinking that they will find more selection on a local site. That actually isn’t a concern at because eventually EVERYONE from around the world ends up on their website, so if you are looking for the most New Yorkers online, that is going to be your destination.


The fact is, this city has a higher-than-average HSV infection rate – imagine that – and that creates a larger-than-average demand for an online solution to the discomfort of having the awkward CONVERSATION when dating members of the general public. Who needs that when there are plenty of other HSV positive singles looking for the same thing?

Genital herpes no longer needs to limit your romantic options – in fact, it may widen your dating horizons as you browse singles whom you would never have met if you hadn’t contracted this virus. Talk about a blessing in disguise!

A lot of people don’t even tell their friends & family; of course many do, but some people feel stigmatized by the condition – even right here in NYC where we tend to talk pretty straight!

At the end of the day if you are looking for a dating site where you will find the most New York City residents, simply click here or one of the BIG PINK BUTTONS, create a totally free account, and prepare to be amazed at the huge selection of awesome NYC herpes singles looking for EXACTLY what you’re looking for!
